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Generic Voltaren 100 mg
Fuera de existencia

Voltaren(Diclofenac) is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.

Synonyms: Allvoran, Apo-Diclo, Assaren, Benfofen, Cataflam, Delphimix, Dichlofenac, Dichronic, Diclo-Phlogont, Diclo-Puren
Shipped from: India

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Generic Valtrex 500 mg
Fuera de existencia

Valtrex is used for treating shingles (herpes zoster), cold sores (fever blisters or herpes labialis), and treating or suppressing genital herpes in patients with normal immune systems. It is also used to suppress genital herpes in patients with HIV infection. Valtrex is an antiviral. It works by stopping viral replication.

Synonyms: Aciclovier, Aciclovir, Acyclovir, Avirax, Valaciclovir, Valacivir, Valcivir, Valtrex, Vipral, Virorax
Shipped from: India

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Generic Ultram (Tramadol) 250mg
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Nombre del producto: Ultram genérico (Tramadol) 250mg
Nombre del ingrediente activo: Tramadol clorhidrato
Dosis: 250

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Generic Ultram (Tramadol) 225mg R
Fuera de existencia
Product Name: Generic Ultram (Tramadol) 225mg
Name of active ingredient: Tramadol
Dosage: 225

This product requires shipping by courier and is available only for EU customers.
Phone number necessary in address
Shipment from EU
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Generic Tamiflu 75 mg
Fuera de existencia

Tamiflu (Oseltamivir)  es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la gripe (influenza). Pertenece al grupo de fármacos llamados bloqueadores neuraminidasa. La neuraminidasa es una proteína del virus de la gripe muy importante para que éste pueda reproducirse y expandirse. Tamiflu bloquea esta enzima en los virus de la gripe de tipo A y B, y por consiguiente limita que la infección se propague en el organismo. Gracias a Tamiflu, el sistema inmunológico puede atacar efectivamente al virus, y sus resultados pueden verse en un período corto de tiempo.

Shipped from: EU

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Generic Suprax 200 mg
Fuera de existencia

Suprax, a cephalosporin antibiotic, is prescribed for bacterial infections of the chest, ears, urinary tract, and throat and for uncomplicated gonorrhea.

Synonyms: Cefixx; Lupicef; Sefi; Sifi; Cefixoral; Cefspan; Cephoral; Oroken; Unixime;
Shipped from: India

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Generic Suprax 100 mg
Fuera de existencia

Suprax, a cephalosporin antibiotic, is prescribed for bacterial infections of the chest, ears, urinary tract, and throat and for uncomplicated gonorrhea.

Synonyms: Cefixx; Lupicef; Sefi; Sifi; Cefixoral; Cefspan; Cephoral; Oroken; Unixime;
Shipped from: India

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Generic Protonix 40 Mg
Fuera de existencia

Protonix is used for short-term treatment (7 to 10 days) of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who have a history of irritation of the esophagus. It may be used for conditions that cause your body to make too much stomach acid (eg, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

Synonyms: Lupipan; Pantagon; Pantogen; Pentab; Pantoloc;
Shipped from: India

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Generic Protonix 20 Mg
Fuera de existencia

Protonix is used for short-term treatment (7 to 10 days) of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who have a history of irritation of the esophagus. It may be used for conditions that cause your body to make too much stomach acid (eg, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

Synonyms: Lupipan; Pantagon; Pantogen; Pentab; Pantoloc;
Shipped from: India

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Generic Proscar 5 mg
Fuera de existencia

Proscar is used for treating urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH). It is also used to lower the risk of needing surgery to treat BPH. It may be used with another medicine (doxazosin) to lower the risk of worsening BPH.

Synonyms: Finalo-5; Frt-5; Ftr; Soypecia;
Shipped from: India

Generic Name: Finasteride Tablets (fin-AS-ter-ide)
Brand Name: Proscar
manufacturer: Cipla

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